Advance FAQ

Advance FAQ


Zestard Technologies

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Starts at $2.99/month
App highlights:
Simple and Advance Facility: One stride ahead office to redo faq and enrich entire faq area with outskirts, changing bolts of accordion, textual style styles and parcel more..

Show Faq's Anywhere on Store: Easy to show faq segment at any pages of the store and furthermore a different page can be shown that can be connected at any edge of the store.

Improve Customer Experience: If online store will have enhanced faq's then you will consider increment to be transformations as proportion of clients will be more to purchase items.
Streamline Customer Support & Boost Revenues with DelightChat
Easily manage all your customer interactions - WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Emails, & Live Chat - from one efficient omnichannel inbox.

Increase your sales with powerful WhatsApp Marketing: Promotional Broadcasts, Abandoned Cart Recovery, advanced Customer Segments and more, all through the Official API.
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