Ryan Holiday's book explains the concept of growth hacking and the mindset one needs to think of marketing in the modern world. His advice is applicable to businesses of all kinds, but especially if you're trying to reach a consumer base with your ecommerce store.
Coming up with great product or brand names is hard. Alexandra Watkins shows you the SMILE and SCRATCH methodology to create memorable and effective brand names, even if you're a noncreative.
Just as laws govern nature and physics, Al Ries and Jack Trout decode the laws that govern marketing in their book. Learn about the law of Leadership, Category, the Mind, and more to help yo sell your products successfully and build a valuable business. Violate these laws at your own risk.
Using data the right way can help you steer your business away from mistakes and towards the promised land of customers and profits. This book steers you in the right direction with case studies and insights that show you how to validate your initial idea, find the right customers, decide what to build, how to monetize your business, and how to spread the word and get customers.
The essential read on understanding the principles of intuitive navigation and information design, read by over 400,000 people. Steve Krug's book helps you undersand the core principles of UX, and how to apply them to create a better shopping experience on your online store that converts more visitors into sales.
How many likes? How many purchases? How many email subscribers? It's easy to get lost in the numbers. As entrepreneurs, we have to remember that there are people behind all that data. People who are looking for someone they trust, someone who has their best interests in mind. Pat Flynn shows a path to becoming that trustworthy person and creating a tribe of superfans around the world.