A group created by Harry Coleman for likeminded e-commerce entrepreneurs to network with each other. Join to find tutorials and discussions around finding winning products and scaling your Facebook ads, marketing, and dropshipping efforts.
EcomHub's official Facebook group is for high-level discussions and all things Amazon FBA & eCommerce strategies.
Learn more about FB Ad Buying and connect with other FB Ad Buyers. Compare different advertising tools, tips, tricks, and learn from industry-leading veterans. A group with 100,000+ members.
EcomHunt is a curation of the best new products, every day. Discuss winning products to sell via your online store.
The definitive r/Marketing community on Reddit, where you can connect with marketing + advertising industry professionals to discuss marketing strategy, media planning, digital, social, search,, email, content, copywriting, segmentation, attribution and more.
A very vibrant and honest community of entrepreneurs who share their business challenges, wins, failures, learnings and more. A perfect place to see things from an entrepreneur's POV.