EcomHunt is a curation of the best new products, every day. Discuss winning products to sell via your online store.
A Facebook group focused on dropshipping and Shopify store owners hustling from France.
VerumEcom focuses on providing high-quality training and resources for people looking to either start their first e-commerce business or take their existing business to the next level.
EcomHub's official Facebook group is for high-level discussions and all things Amazon FBA & eCommerce strategies.
The Ecommerce Group run by John Lawson is a slightly niche group with around 8,000 members. Join in to discuss strategies and tactics that can help you maximize profits with your Amazon, Shopify and Ecommerce business.
r/ecommerce is a subreddit for anyone interested in the operations of ecommerce websites. Ask questions, have honest and helpful discussions on marketing, seo, products, checkout, conversions, etc.