To add any image or your Brand’s logo to the Email Signature, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Uploading the image to a CDN
In order to use the image in your Signature, you need to first store it in a public cloud.
If you use Shopify, we highly recommend you use Shopify CDN to upload your image. Go to your Shopify Admin > Select Files on left panel > Upload Files > Copy the link of the uploaded Image.

Step 2 - Adding the link to the image in HTML
Now open your brand's Email Signature settings page in DelightChat.
Next, click on the “<>” icon.
Add the code snippet belowwherever you want to add the image in the email signature:
<img style="max-width: 130px;" src="PASTE THE IMAGE URL INSIDE THESE QUOTES" width="130">
For your reference, here is a sample code below.
You can try with copy-pasting the sample code and see how it looks.
<img style="max-width: 130px;" src="[<>](<>)" width="130">
Step 3 - Adjust and click the Save button
Play around with the position and the size of the image. Size can be changed with CSS properties that you may see in the code snippet, such as "width" and "max-width".
Click on the <> button again to switch between HTML and view modes.
Once you're satisfied, click the Save button.
Note: We have a separate help article that shows you how to add an HTML email signature from scratch. Read it here.