This book is a marketer's take on how influential blogs are in our lives become, and why that's something to worry about. Ryan Holiday outlines the parts of the internet that is broken, and includes detailed stories and confessions of his own on how he gamed the very same system to generate press for his clients.
Learn the framework that successful companies have implemented to gain traction for their product and scale successfully. Identify the marketing channels that make sense for your company, given its unique properties, in this book by Gabriel Weinberg (Founder, DuckDuckGo) and Justin Mares (Founder, Kettle & Fire).
Just as laws govern nature and physics, Al Ries and Jack Trout decode the laws that govern marketing in their book. Learn about the law of Leadership, Category, the Mind, and more to help yo sell your products successfully and build a valuable business. Violate these laws at your own risk.
You can have the greatest product or service, but if nobody knows about it, you will fail. That was where Allan Dib, who started as an IT geek, came from where he earlier thought that honing his tech skills is a sure way to success. Except, it's not. The book provides a simple framework for small businesses to get started with marketing their product and reaching their audience.
In this follow-up book, Don Miller is introducing a five-part sales funnel that helps marketing professions and business owners use the StoryBrand messaging framework more effectively, and to get out of the club of brands that lose money and sales, simply because their customer messaging is not clear about who they are and what value they bring to their customers’ lives.
From the man Time magazine called "the most sought after wizard in the business" comes a handbook on how to produce advertising that sells. Read this insightful and engrossing book whether you're an advertising buff or even otherwise.