Using data the right way can help you steer your business away from mistakes and towards the promised land of customers and profits. This book steers you in the right direction with case studies and insights that show you how to validate your initial idea, find the right customers, decide what to build, how to monetize your business, and how to spread the word and get customers.
Bill Price and David Jaffe assert through their book that customer service is only needed when a company does something wrong, and therefore eliminating the need for customer service is the best way to have satisfied customers. Read their book to learn how to use their principles that teach you to use service as a data point for improving customer safisfaction.
Bestselling author Gary Vaynerchuk's practical and inspirational book dissects every current major social media platform - Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and more - so that anyone, from a plumber to a professional ice skater, can learn how to build and amplify his or her personal brand.
Learn the framework that successful companies have implemented to gain traction for their product and scale successfully. Identify the marketing channels that make sense for your company, given its unique properties, in this book by Gabriel Weinberg (Founder, DuckDuckGo) and Justin Mares (Founder, Kettle & Fire).
Just as laws govern nature and physics, Al Ries and Jack Trout decode the laws that govern marketing in their book. Learn about the law of Leadership, Category, the Mind, and more to help yo sell your products successfully and build a valuable business. Violate these laws at your own risk.
Joey Coleman's book isn't about focusing on marketing, or closing the sale. Rather it is to undergo the customer journey in their first 100 days and manage all the interactions and experiences of the customer that can turn them into a lifelong customer. Coleman's system is presented through research and case studies showing how best-in-class companies create remarkable customer experiences at each step in the customer lifecycle.