Seth Goden's book talks about how all marketers tell stories, and good stories are what people believe in. Learn authentic storytelling that helps you form a strong bond with your customers and set your product and company apart from the competition.
Bill Price and David Jaffe assert through their book that customer service is only needed when a company does something wrong, and therefore eliminating the need for customer service is the best way to have satisfied customers. Read their book to learn how to use their principles that teach you to use service as a data point for improving customer safisfaction.
Robert Cialdini's critically acclaimed book on persuasion is a must-read for any marketer or business owner selling to consumers. The book explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings in your life, work, marketing, and more in six actionable principles.
Just as laws govern nature and physics, Al Ries and Jack Trout decode the laws that govern marketing in their book. Learn about the law of Leadership, Category, the Mind, and more to help yo sell your products successfully and build a valuable business. Violate these laws at your own risk.
Ann Hadley has written a go-to guide for understanding how you should approach writing great content that inspires and compels readers to take your desired action. The book provides a mental framework for coming up with the right content to create given your audience and business.
Learn how to gain traction for your online business with Jeff Walker. Launch talks about growing your business fast, about creating urgency, excitement, eagerness, positioning, and competition, while being aware of your budget constraints.