Bestselling author Gary Vaynerchuk's practical and inspirational book dissects every current major social media platform - Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and more - so that anyone, from a plumber to a professional ice skater, can learn how to build and amplify his or her personal brand.
World-renowned psychologist Carol S. Dweck discovered after decades of research a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset. More specifically, Fixed mindset vs Growth mindset. In this book, she shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and every other area of human endeavor is dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities.
A step-by-step, encyclopedic reference manual by Steve Blank and Bob Dorf on how to build and scale a successful startup. Best to read this book in parts and reference it whenever you need help with a particular section.
A series of letters written Gary C. Halbert where he explains the in a blunt and pragmatic tone what advertising and copywriting is all about. This book extends beyond marketing and also talks about life and work ethic.
For beginners as well as for seasoned professionals who are eager to improve their game, Guy Kawasaki, who was legendary in his former role as chief evangelist for Apple, has teamed up with Canva colleage Peg Fitzpatric to offer one essential guide to social media for your time, effort and money. Learn from over 100 practical tips, tricks and insights that help you build a social media strategy from ground-up to creating a compelling presence on these platforms.
Learn the path Tony Hsieh took at Zappos, which he joined and became CEO after selling LinkExchange to Microsoft, to grow the company to over $1 billion in gross merchandise sales in less than ten years. A great book on creating the a strong and customer-oriented company culture.