Applicable to any kind of business, Matt Watkinson's book provides you with a mental framework for evaluating and refining product and service ideas, reduce risk by thinking broadly of strategic decisions, identifying root causes of business challenges, anticipating market changes and its impact on your business, and collaborating more effectively with your team.
Coming up with great product or brand names is hard. Alexandra Watkins shows you the SMILE and SCRATCH methodology to create memorable and effective brand names, even if you're a noncreative.
Denise Lee Yohn shares her exercises, tools and action steps applied with dozens of Fortune 1000 brands that helped transform and create great brands. The book draws on inspiration from greats like Starbucks, Lululemon, what's common about these great brands and how you can apply those principles to your business too
A series of letters written Gary C. Halbert where he explains the in a blunt and pragmatic tone what advertising and copywriting is all about. This book extends beyond marketing and also talks about life and work ethic.
You can have the greatest product or service, but if nobody knows about it, you will fail. That was where Allan Dib, who started as an IT geek, came from where he earlier thought that honing his tech skills is a sure way to success. Except, it's not. The book provides a simple framework for small businesses to get started with marketing their product and reaching their audience.
Running a business is all about solving problems, but business leaders often don't know what's their biggest problem. Instead of going in endless circles putting out urgent fires or prioritizing the wrong things, Mike Michalowicz provides a framework for identifying the most important problems based on a business' heirarchy of needs, and prioritizing to fix them first.