Bestselling author Gary Vaynerchuk's practical and inspirational book dissects every current major social media platform - Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and more - so that anyone, from a plumber to a professional ice skater, can learn how to build and amplify his or her personal brand.
Great marketers don't use consumers to solve their company's problem; they use marketing to solve other people's problems. Seth Godin's book is a culmination of decades of experience to help people understand marketing and apply its core ideas to their own businesses. A must read book on marketing.
Learn the framework that successful companies have implemented to gain traction for their product and scale successfully. Identify the marketing channels that make sense for your company, given its unique properties, in this book by Gabriel Weinberg (Founder, DuckDuckGo) and Justin Mares (Founder, Kettle & Fire).
You can have the greatest product or service, but if nobody knows about it, you will fail. That was where Allan Dib, who started as an IT geek, came from where he earlier thought that honing his tech skills is a sure way to success. Except, it's not. The book provides a simple framework for small businesses to get started with marketing their product and reaching their audience.
In this follow-up book, Don Miller is introducing a five-part sales funnel that helps marketing professions and business owners use the StoryBrand messaging framework more effectively, and to get out of the club of brands that lose money and sales, simply because their customer messaging is not clear about who they are and what value they bring to their customers’ lives.
Robert Cialdini's critically acclaimed book on persuasion is a must-read for any marketer or business owner selling to consumers. The book explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings in your life, work, marketing, and more in six actionable principles.