In this follow-up book, Don Miller is introducing a five-part sales funnel that helps marketing professions and business owners use the StoryBrand messaging framework more effectively, and to get out of the club of brands that lose money and sales, simply because their customer messaging is not clear about who they are and what value they bring to their customers’ lives.
Today's consumers expect nothing less than VIP customer service no matter which product or company they engage with. To keep up with demands, you have to proactively craft your team's culture and values to become customer-focused and service oriented. Jeff Toister outlines a step by step blueprint for organizations to follow if they’re really serious about great customer customer service.
Learn the path Tony Hsieh took at Zappos, which he joined and became CEO after selling LinkExchange to Microsoft, to grow the company to over $1 billion in gross merchandise sales in less than ten years. A great book on creating the a strong and customer-oriented company culture.
Learn how to gain traction for your online business with Jeff Walker. Launch talks about growing your business fast, about creating urgency, excitement, eagerness, positioning, and competition, while being aware of your budget constraints.
How many likes? How many purchases? How many email subscribers? It's easy to get lost in the numbers. As entrepreneurs, we have to remember that there are people behind all that data. People who are looking for someone they trust, someone who has their best interests in mind. Pat Flynn shows a path to becoming that trustworthy person and creating a tribe of superfans around the world.
Ryan Holiday's book explains the concept of growth hacking and the mindset one needs to think of marketing in the modern world. His advice is applicable to businesses of all kinds, but especially if you're trying to reach a consumer base with your ecommerce store.