Real, profitable, sustainable business requires thousands of hours of commitment, grit, and dedicated hard work. Ryan Daniel Moran knows that, and his book tries to teach you how to do it by condensing the startup phase into a fast-paced year divided into three phases, the Grind, the Growth, the Gold. The book cuts straight through the noise and provides a clear roadmap that can help even new entrepreneurs build big businesses.
Learn the framework that successful companies have implemented to gain traction for their product and scale successfully. Identify the marketing channels that make sense for your company, given its unique properties, in this book by Gabriel Weinberg (Founder, DuckDuckGo) and Justin Mares (Founder, Kettle & Fire).
Running a business is all about solving problems, but business leaders often don't know what's their biggest problem. Instead of going in endless circles putting out urgent fires or prioritizing the wrong things, Mike Michalowicz provides a framework for identifying the most important problems based on a business' heirarchy of needs, and prioritizing to fix them first.
Understanding and setting up analytics is key to building your business. This book can teach you how to solve crucial challenges such as measuring social media and multichannel campaigns, applying the right analytics techniques and correctly, and becoming more data-driven in growing your business.
Today's consumers expect nothing less than VIP customer service no matter which product or company they engage with. To keep up with demands, you have to proactively craft your team's culture and values to become customer-focused and service oriented. Jeff Toister outlines a step by step blueprint for organizations to follow if they’re really serious about great customer customer service.
Coming up with great product or brand names is hard. Alexandra Watkins shows you the SMILE and SCRATCH methodology to create memorable and effective brand names, even if you're a noncreative.