A step-by-step, encyclopedic reference manual by Steve Blank and Bob Dorf on how to build and scale a successful startup. Best to read this book in parts and reference it whenever you need help with a particular section.
Perhaps the best book on positioning to come out in recent times, learn from April Dunford on how you can understand your customers and use it to position your product to success. Learn her five components of positioning, how to instantly connect your offering's value proposition to an audience, choosing the best markets for your product, and more.
Rob Fitzpatrick has written the most essential book on validating your business ideas correctly and in a way that is practical and will save you time, money, and heartbreak. It's a short book that basically says that you shouldn't ask anyone if your business is a good idea, because it's a bad question and everyone is bound to lie in varying degrees. It's not their responsibility to tell you the truth, but yours to extract it correctly. And this book can teach you how.
Are you currently struggling with driving traffic to your website? Or converting that traffic into sales? The founder of Clickfunnels, Russell Brunson's experience after working with thousands of businesses is that low traffic and weak conversion numbers are just symptoms of a much greater problem. DotComSecrets will give you the marketing funnels and the sales scripts to help you grow your online business.
Just as laws govern nature and physics, Al Ries and Jack Trout decode the laws that govern marketing in their book. Learn about the law of Leadership, Category, the Mind, and more to help yo sell your products successfully and build a valuable business. Violate these laws at your own risk.
Learn the path Tony Hsieh took at Zappos, which he joined and became CEO after selling LinkExchange to Microsoft, to grow the company to over $1 billion in gross merchandise sales in less than ten years. A great book on creating the a strong and customer-oriented company culture.