Thanks for deciding to manage Instagram Comments & Direct Messages using DelightChat. Before we proceed, kindly ensure that you fulfil the prerequisites.
- You must have an Instagram Business Account.
- You must allow messages access to Instagram DMs.
Please ensure that you follow the above steps before proceeding to integrate your IG account to DelightChat.
Steps to integrate your Instagram account to DelightChat
1) Click on the Settings icon from the left navigation menu.
2) Select [Support Channels] and click on [Add New Channel].
3) Click on [Add] beside Facebook / Instagram.

4) Click on the [Connect Facebook / Instagram] button.

5) There can be either of the two scenarios here. Let's take a look.
--> Scenario I: If you have previously not linked your FB page account to DelightChat.
For this, click on [Continue as "Your Name"].

--> Scenario II: If you have previously linked your FB page account to DelightChat.
For this, click on the [Edit settings] button, and continue.

6) Select the Instagram business account you want to add and click [Next].

7) Now, select the FB pages you want to use with DelightChat and click on [Next].

8) Allow all the permissions to enable IG DM for your brand. Please ensure all the permissions are "Yes".

9) Click on [OK]. That will take you back to the DelightChat dashboard.

10) Finally, check the box beside "Enable Instagram Direct Messages" and you're done! :)

And that's how you connect your IG DM to DelightChat. Now, you can instantly reply to Instagram direct messages from one screen along with other channels
Ensure you add DelightChat as the primary receiver of Facebook comments and DMs
In case this feature is not working for you, follow the steps mentioned below and try again.
Steps to follow:
- Go to your Facebook account Page Settings.
- Select Advanced Messaging.
- Click the Configure button under Handover Protocol.
- Using the dropdown, select the application as your Primary Receiver.