The Art of Social Media

The Art of Social Media

For beginners as well as for seasoned professionals who are eager to improve their game, Guy Kawasaki, who was legendary in his former role as chief evangelist for Apple, has teamed up with Canva colleage Peg Fitzpatric to offer one essential guide to social media for your time, effort and money. Learn from over 100 practical tips, tricks and insights that help you build a social media strategy from ground-up to creating a compelling presence on these platforms.
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Clayten Christensen seminal book is based on the Jobs to be done framework, and insight that when we buy a product, we essentially “hire” it to make progress and get a job done. And if the product hired to do the job does it well, we hire it again. And if not, we “fire” it and look for an alternative. Christensen argues that when companies truly understand the job their customer is hiring their product or service to do, is when companies can drive innovative solutions forward.

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The Best Service is No Service

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