Robert Cialdini's critically acclaimed book on persuasion is a must-read for any marketer or business owner selling to consumers. The book explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings in your life, work, marketing, and more in six actionable principles.
From the man Time magazine called "the most sought after wizard in the business" comes a handbook on how to produce advertising that sells. Read this insightful and engrossing book whether you're an advertising buff or even otherwise.
The New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of WineLibrary and Vayner Media, shells out hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition in an increasingly noisy word. Read this book if mastering social media marketing is your goal.
A series of letters written Gary C. Halbert where he explains the in a blunt and pragmatic tone what advertising and copywriting is all about. This book extends beyond marketing and also talks about life and work ethic.
An autobiographical account of the rise of Sam Walton, founder of Walmart and Sam's Club, to the pinnacle of the American retail business by building the Walmart, which went on to be #1 in Fortune 500 and brought more than $100 billion in wealth for his wife and family.
Running a business is all about solving problems, but business leaders often don't know what's their biggest problem. Instead of going in endless circles putting out urgent fires or prioritizing the wrong things, Mike Michalowicz provides a framework for identifying the most important problems based on a business' heirarchy of needs, and prioritizing to fix them first.