The New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of WineLibrary and Vayner Media, shells out hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition in an increasingly noisy word. Read this book if mastering social media marketing is your goal.
Great advertising is about writing compelling sales copy. In this book, Dan Kennedy shows why some sales copy works, why some don't, and to write copy for your business. These lessons can be applied everywhere, whether in Facebook ads, or marketing emails, or copy on your product pages.
The biggest problem for most entrepreneurs isn't that they haven't created a great product or service. It's getting their future customers to discover about them and learn about their existence. Master evergreen traffic strategies to fill your website and funnels with dream customers in this book by $100mn entrepreneur Russel Brunson, co-founder of the wildly success software company ClickFunnels.
Coming up with great product or brand names is hard. Alexandra Watkins shows you the SMILE and SCRATCH methodology to create memorable and effective brand names, even if you're a noncreative.
Joey Coleman's book isn't about focusing on marketing, or closing the sale. Rather it is to undergo the customer journey in their first 100 days and manage all the interactions and experiences of the customer that can turn them into a lifelong customer. Coleman's system is presented through research and case studies showing how best-in-class companies create remarkable customer experiences at each step in the customer lifecycle.
For beginners as well as for seasoned professionals who are eager to improve their game, Guy Kawasaki, who was legendary in his former role as chief evangelist for Apple, has teamed up with Canva colleage Peg Fitzpatric to offer one essential guide to social media for your time, effort and money. Learn from over 100 practical tips, tricks and insights that help you build a social media strategy from ground-up to creating a compelling presence on these platforms.