Robert Cialdini's critically acclaimed book on persuasion is a must-read for any marketer or business owner selling to consumers. The book explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings in your life, work, marketing, and more in six actionable principles.
Using data the right way can help you steer your business away from mistakes and towards the promised land of customers and profits. This book steers you in the right direction with case studies and insights that show you how to validate your initial idea, find the right customers, decide what to build, how to monetize your business, and how to spread the word and get customers.
Coming up with great product or brand names is hard. Alexandra Watkins shows you the SMILE and SCRATCH methodology to create memorable and effective brand names, even if you're a noncreative.
Clayten Christensen seminal book is based on the Jobs to be done framework, and insight that when we buy a product, we essentially “hire” it to make progress and get a job done. And if the product hired to do the job does it well, we hire it again. And if not, we “fire” it and look for an alternative. Christensen argues that when companies truly understand the job their customer is hiring their product or service to do, is when companies can drive innovative solutions forward.
The definitive story of, one of the most successful companies in the world, and of its driven, brilliant founder, Jeff Bezos. Learn about how his vision for the internet back in 1997, how he found an opportunity to create an online bookstore, and grow from there to the everything store.
From the man Time magazine called "the most sought after wizard in the business" comes a handbook on how to produce advertising that sells. Read this insightful and engrossing book whether you're an advertising buff or even otherwise.